The RENEWAL processing of PCAB LICENSE is now through an Online Portal.
It seems easy because it's online now but do not be deceived.
Since the application is now digital, mistakes can be critical. Your mistake in input or analyzation could result to failure or downgrade.
See below common mistakes using the portal :

Common Mistake #1: ARCC
In the Contractor's General Information part of the application, there is a question asking if you are registered for Government Projects or ARCC. If you are not familiar with ARCC, it is the 2nd box on your PCAB License with the heading of "Registration Particulars". This part shows that you are eligible to partake in government projects.
A common mistake is to not click "yes" to the question "Are you Registered for government Projects (ARCC)?" when you are actually registered. This will result to your ARCC registration to be lost thus you will have to re-apply and pay the registration fee again. Re-application approval may take around 30 - 45 days, depending on the assigned assessor.
Another scenario is that you missed one or two project kinds from your ARCC registration. This will also result in re-application and another payment of license fees.

Common Mistake #2: Input of STEs
The previous technical employee that you have included in your previous application to PCAB may have resigned from your company so you will have to replace him/her with another technical employee. If you do not replace him/her, this can cause your license category to downgrade.
When inputting your new STE, be careful where you input his/her information. If you mistakenly input him/her in the previously nominated STE portion, PCAB will not consider him or her as your STE as he/she does not have any record with PCAB. This will result in downgrading.

Common Mistake #3: Contracting Fiscal Year
Always check what Contracting Fiscal Year you will renew your license.
This is for now, if you can do it on your own you may do so.
If you are not sure and you want help, hire a Consultancy Firm like ours so you can save time and money in applying for your PCAB License. For Renewal Documentation Assistance, please contact our Firm at