ARCC means Allowable Range Contract of Contract Costs. This part of your PCAB License indicates that your company is registered to acquire government contracts/projects.

Government Projects usually have specific requirements on which information should be on your PCAB License. (Category, Classifications & Size Ranges) This is usually found on the "Invitation to Bid" document of the project.
ARCC Registration can be applied together with your New Application but is a separate application from PCAB Renewal / Category Upgrade Applications.
(See ARCC Chart below for your reference)
Upon registration, the following are the outcomes:
If you have a Category E license, your size range will be Small A for ARCC Project kinds
If you have a higher Category (D/C/B/A/AA/AAA/AAAA), your size range will start from Small B for ARCC Project kinds
Having a higher category will not automatically raise your project kinds to a higher size range. Therefore, you will have to upgrade your ARCC.
To upgrade your ARCC, you must first have the Category requirement for your target size range.
For example, you are targeting to upgrade your GE-1 Project Kind from Small B to Medium A. Your PCAB License category must be B to get Medium A size range.
See the ARCC Chart below for your reference:

Once you have upgraded your category, you can now upgrade your ARCC to your target size range.
The main requirement to upgrade your ARCC is a completed project. The contract amount of the project must reach the contract amount range of your target size range. For example, if you want to upgrade from Small B to Medium A, you will need to declare a completed project with contract amounting above 15 Million. (Refer to the third column of the previous chart)
Our team can help you upgrade your ARCC to your target size range.
If you still have a hard time understanding ARCC and how to UPGRADE, or if you do not have the time to do this yourself or have staff to do all of this, WE ARE HERE for you, contact us below.
Need Assistance? Contact us: 0935-0518-538 / 0921-5495-991 / 0906-2341550 Email: sales.tacsconsultancy@gmail.com / pcablicense@gmail.com
Or you may leave your details in our contact form: https://www.tripleaaaconsultancy.com/contact-us-1
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